Friday, March 02, 2007

Tour of Beijing - Kindergarten Class

We toured Beijing today... it was absoluletly incredible. The architecture in the buildings is like nothing we have ever seen. We have lots of pictures however we thought that we would post pictures from the highlight of our day -- a visit to a kindergarten class!!!!

This is a picture of me handing out candy to the 5 year olds. They were so cute, and grateful too!
A couple of 5 year old girls discussing the treats they just received from the foreigners.... we gave them gum, candy, pencils, stickers, etc. They loved it!
This little girl is absoletly adorable, don't you think?
Two boys discussing how much loot they got!
This is the room where the kids (not nap, sleep!). The kids sleep at the school from Monday to Friday and then go home to their parents on the weekends.
This is where the kids (boys and girls!) pee. Everybody has to squat to pee!
We have lots of pictures of the city, and the places we visited, however we will post more later. We are amazed at how much poverty is here. It really makes you appreciate the rock.
We love and miss you all, and will post more tomorrow. Just a few more sleeps until we fly to Changsha to meet Maggie!!!!


Anonymous said...

Lisa and Brent:

Glad to hear that you have finally arrived...we are thinking about you and can't wait to meet our newest niece!!! Hope that you enjoy your time in China and I can see why you are in culture shock! Love the pictures....see you when you get back!!

Deann, Peter and Danielle

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

I am so glad to hear that you and the group have made it. I can't imagine the feelings of emotion and excitment. Considering that your families are feeling somewhat the same way here. I look forward to visiting your website and following you on your journey.

Love, Kelly Rumsey (Cathy's sister)

Anonymous said...

Brent & Lisa,

I am thinking of you everyday. You haven't left my mind since I knew that you were on your way. I am wishing it was time that you were back again - and maybe you'll appreciate my beautiful face when you see it! Take care and look after yourselves. Looking forward to seeing little Maggie when you bring her home. Tell Brent not to lose too much weight while he's gone! ('cause I know he's not going to eat!)
Mom Morgan

Anonymous said...

Brent & Lisa,
I am on the phone with Mom now and she just read out her message so that I could add it to the blog. I am thinking about you all the time, wondering what you are doing each moment. Can't wait to see more photos! And in a few days those photos will include Maggie!

Anonymous said...

hi guys

Love the pictures of the children at school. The visit with Gracie went well. She loves the picture of the snow covered runway in St.John's. Can't wait to see a picture of Maggie. Carter is now 8 lbs, 11 OZ (big boy)

Love Wanda, Eric, and Carter